35 years after the founding of the Maghreb Union: New economic, security and foreign policies are required… By Kamal Ben Younes

Achieving a balance between “national paths” and devoting “intersection of interests” between the Maghreb countries will open social, professional and social horizons for millions of young people, the unemployed, the poor and the marginalized, whom the “traditional development patterns” of national states have been unable to absorb and benefit from their abilities and talents.

This will contribute to controlling the social phenomena that have spread in the region, including social and family disintegration, high rates of drug addiction, loitering, deviance, violence, extremism, suicide, and divorce. etc

+ Third, the security level:

This is because activating the Maghreb project will reduce the security burdens of the five national states internally and externally, and will contribute to addressing the deep causes of the phenomena of extremism, terrorism, organized crime, terrorism and irregular migration.

In all cases, there is no alternative to developing security coordination because the security of the region is the responsibility of its governments and peoples, not foreign partners…

+ Fourth, the military and strategic level:

Activating the Maghreb project paves the way for easing bilateral and regional tensions, leading to reducing military expenditures (which exceeded hundreds of thousands of billions), containing conflicts, and then investing a percentage of the current armaments budgets in joint Maghreb, regional, and local development programs and projects.

+ Fifth, at the political and diplomatic levels:

The Maghreb project and activating a minimum level of intersection of Maghreb interests contribute to reviving the mechanisms of joint political and diplomatic action and collective negotiation in regional blocs.

At the same time, it must be acknowledged that no matter how much convergence in common interests and positions is achieved in the Maghreb, the national agendas and paths of each country according to its own priorities will remain in place.

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